Module structure
The HART toolbox is implemented as a modular system. Thus new modules can be easily installed by copying the module content in a new folder to the module directory. Not used modules can be easily removed by deleting the module folder.
Each Module has the following structure:
- configure.sce
- readme
- ./demos
- ./macros
---- macro-file1.sce
---- macro-file2.sce
---- ...
- ./src
---- ./c
-------- source-file1.c
-------- source-file2.c
---- ./c_RTAI
-------- source-file1.c (link to ../c/source-file1.c)
-------- source-file2.c (link to ../c/source-file2.c)
- ./help
---- ./dtd
---- ./en_US_scilab4
------- helpfile1.xml
------- helpfile2.xml
---- ./en_US
------- helpfile1.xml
This script configures the module. It is called from the builder.sce from the root dir of the HART-Toolbox. The Name and the Title of the Module has to modified:TOOLBOX_NAME = 'module_name';Inside this script the names of the c-functions are definded and the c-files which should be build to a shared library:
TOOLBOX_TITLE = 'module_name module for Hart Toolbox';
buildable='yes'; //no special library neededIf a external library is needed, it can be add by:
names = [ 'rt_func1';'rt_func1';' ];
files =["source-file1.o";"source-file2.o";];
ldflags = " -lspezial_lib";