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03 Juli 2013:
hart_0.4.5 released!

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Hart modules

The HART toolbox is implemented as a modular system. Thus new modules can be easily installed by copying the module content in a new folder to the module directory. Not used modules can be easily removed by deleting the module folder.

Modules for HART
Module Operating System How to get it Comment
Total 3 Modules available
base Linux / Windows provided with Hart toolbox Base module
comedi Linux provided with Hart toolbox DAQ-card access in real time
RTAI Linux provided with Hart toolbox Codegeneration for hard real time applications
sciencestim Linux Can be downloaded unter Downloads Realtime contol of a muscle stimulator.
Coming soon
Module Operating System How to get it Comment
ODE Linux / Windows not available now Scicos interface for the Open Dynamics Engine.
daqmx Windows not available now module for NI DAQ for Windows
wii Linux not available now WII module to access the the wii - controller
system information Linux not available now module to access the CPU load
xsens Linux not available now module to access xsens device
rtaudio Linux not available now module for soundcard access

base module

base palette
Block of the base module
Block Input / Output Function
Total 5 blocks available
RT_Sync 3 outputs, 1 activation input Put this block somewhere in your scicos diagram to make the execution somewhat follow real time. Requires the sample time as the parameter.
filtfilt 1 vector input, 1 vector output This block filters vectors. The vector can either filtered normally though a iir filter or using a zero-phase filtering.
par2ser 1 vector input, 1 single output This block takes a vector as input and gives back the single entries of the vector. After the last entry is given out, a new vector is taken from the input. So this block converts parallel data to serial data.
ser2par 1 single input, 1 vector output This block takes singles values as input and save them in a vector. When the last entry of the vector is writen, the vector is avaible on the output. So this block converts serial data to parallel data.
flagtest variable inputs This block can be used to understand the flag system of scicos. The block prints every action to the terminal. Take a look at the source code of this block.

comedi module

comedi palette
Block of the comedi module
Block Input / Output Function
Total 7 blocks available
Comedi DO 1 input, 1 activation input This block changes a bit of one digital channel of a daq-card, which is supported by comedi.
Comedi DI 1 ouput, 1 activation input This block get the status of one bit of one digital channel of a daq-card, which is supported by comedi.
Comedi D/A 1 input, 1 activation input This block changes the analog output of one channel of a daq-card, which is supported by comedi.
Comedi A/D 1 output, 1 activation output This block provides the analog input of one channel of a daq-card, which is supported by comedi.
Comedi ENC 1 output, 1 activation output This block counts incomming pulses and can be used to monitor a encoder.
Comedi NI Counter 1 output, 1 activation output This block is a little more general then the comedi ENC block.
Comedi pwm 1 input, 1 activation output This block is a special pwm-block. You have to change the source code in order to change the function for your needs.

RTAI module

rtai palette
Block of the RTAI module
Block Input / Output Function
Total 7 blocks available
Sine 1 output, 1 activation input Generates a sin signal
square 1 ouput, 1 activation input generates a square signal
step 1 Output, 1 activation input Generates a step
ext data 1 output, 1 activation input Gives out ascii data from a file
Scope 1 Input, 1 activation input Can be used for data visualisation in QRtaiLab
Meter 1 Input, 1 activation input Can be used for data visualisation in QRtaiLab
Led 1 input, 1 activation input Can be used for data visualisation in QRtaiLab
Log 1 input, 1 activation input Can be used for data saving in QRtaiLab
rtai palette

This module adds a menu entry for code generation to scicos. So it is easy possible to generate hard realtime code.

sciencestim module

This is a scicos module to the sciencemode protocol. More information is available on the website. The ScienceMode is a communication protocol which allows external control of multichannel electrical stimulators. The protocol supports two stimulators: sciencestim palette